Sunday, December 30, 2012

My 2012

Last day of 2012! Whew! This was one tough year---and I thought that I took a beating in 2011!  I'm almost afraid to say, "Bring it, 2013!" Haha!

You know how they say that it takes a village to raise kids when you're a single parent? (I think I heard that from J Lo on American idol) It's TRUE.  2012 is the busiest year of my entire life.  I hope and pray that next year, I won't be as busy because honestly, my kids were hit badly, what with the mood swings of their super tired mom, and the packed schedule which made me miss PTC's and a lot of their school events.  I tried my best though, even went as far as teaching homework thru my mobile while driving (and yes, I got caught running a red light because of that).  In 2013, that's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN ANYMORE. My kids and my health will come first. PERIOD.  I'm just really thankful that my kids are very resilient, and that I have people around me to keep me sane and to help me deal with some parenting stuff.

They love me unconditionally even when I barely see them awake on weekdays.  My eldest, Tyrone, told me last night that I should go out with my friends while I'm on vacation because once I start working again, it'll be all work and no play.  I just had to give him a big bear hug :) And the little one, he just never fails to make me laugh.

My pretty niece, Ialou, who supervised the kids when I had to leave for the U.S.  Until now, she still makes sure that I know what they need for school, because this year, I've been too busy and too tired to read thru the kids' notebooks.  She was the one who told Trey that "utot" (fart) is an example of gas (thankful pa ba ako?)

My bestest friends in the world/ sisters from other mothers, who broke the bank to attend my lolo's memorial in the U.S. when they knew that I would be a few days late for it.  They're there when I need help with the kids' school stuff. Thankful for their blessings for this year too ;)

Pretentious 2 bottles! I don't remember how this all started, but all those "2" bottle sessions were uber fun!  Here's to more pretentious 2 bottle sessions in 2013! :) Cheers!

Lourdes Boys++.  Sabit lang ako dito, pero ok na din! Haha! I love how everyone in this group are big EATERS and TALKERS. Dito nasira yung calorie count ko. It's also nice how all our kids could hang out with each other while we eat and drink :)  It's funny coz the people who manage the venues where we had the 2012 children's parties had to kick us out because our time was up, and we'd spend another half an hour standing around, deciding where to go next :|

My Pretty Gurls (plus Jam).  Missing Rhea and May this year though.  When people fly in from different parts of the world, you make time for them even when it's raining cats and dogs.  

2012 is a tough year for the Bolanos family.  That's something that I really need to acknowledge.  Lolo's sudden passing is the most difficult news I've received in such a long time.  For a week and a half, I would receive more than 10 calls per day from family asking when I could fly out.  I remember receiving calls from tito Ding at 2 in the morning trying to figure out what flight we could take if in case our visas are released the following day.  I remember being scared of flying out alone because I might get lost in the airport once I land (I have the BEST sense of direction which I inherited from my dearest tito Ferdie).  But most of all, I remember how strong the family's support system is when this all happened.

He's not one of the strongest men I know...He IS the strongest man I know.  He had the strongest views on things, and we all had our moments with him (haha!)  But for all that it's worth, he was able to raise 4 good men and 2 loving daughters, and they won't be who they are now if it wasn't for him and lola.  He also has 11(shoot, I hope I didn't miss counting anyone) grandchildren who will forever remember and love him.  Not a lot of people can say that their grandparents know them well, but I know how much lolo knew about all of us.

According to family, he once said that he'd play golf up until his last breath....and he did.  Lolo died of a massive heart attack while playing golf. I couldn't think of any better way for him to go.  He went while playing the game he loved the most.

When I arrived in Escondido, I talked to tita Linda.  I felt a bit sad that tito Ding was not able to make it, but I also knew that God had other plans, so I let it go.  I told tita Linda that it's a miracle how I got all my documents together in a span of a few days, and though I was late for the memorial, I was still able to fly out within a week and a half.  People really made it as easy as possible for me---even the consul at the U.S. Embassy who didn't really get to ask me anything the moment I started talking. All she was able to say was "The fastest I could release your visa is after 2 full working days...but don't worry, your visa's been approved."  Tita Linda told me, "Gusto ka ni lolo mo pumunta dito...kasi siyempre if he just said that to you, hindi ka naman pupunta talaga, maybe this is his way of bringing the family together".  And though it was a difficult time, most specially for lola, I spent a lot of time bonding with my crazy family.  It has been 9 long years since I've seen the cousins, and I'm thankful that facebook has helped us keep in touch :)

2 days after arriving, I finally got to see lola.  I'll see you again, lola!!! I've never been so bent on saving so I could go back.

The people at Davita Dialysis.  I've never seen people from the medical industry who can show so much love and compassion for their patient.  Bringing lola to the dialysis center was also a huge part of the trip because of the wonderful people there.  Too bad big guy, Ryan, wasn't there during our last visit.

Thanks to Kevin who drove us around even when he was tired and to Nikki and Gelo who drove all the way from Beaumont to see us. Short trip, but so many memories!  #wehitturbulence #oneforthechalkboard #inbetweentheeyes

To all the titos and titas, tito Ferdie, tita Baby, tito Ricky, tita Linda, tito Gary, "tita" Miranda (who calls us her pupumpkins), to kuya Ryan, Myra and baby Caden, tito Joey Jimenez and family...seeing all of you made 2012 extra special :)

And maybe next year, God-willing, we'll need a grand staircase for the photo-op.

To my sister, sorry for not being able to visit you in Arizona!  My next trip will be more organized and I'll surely come visit!

Yes, it's time to leave 2012 behind, and move forward to 2013.  I'm still afraid to say "BRING IT, 2013!" but at yesterday's service, the pastor said that we shouldn't be afraid, because in 2013...just like how it was in the previous years...THE BATTLE IS THE LORD'S. And though 2013 is still a few hours away, we've already won the battle.

Praise God for 2012!  Trust in Him for 2013!  Happy New Year!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

They are LEGACI.

Yep.  Been so long since I last blogged.  My excuse?  None.  I don't write when I don't want to. Hah!  But seriously, it's just been a bit hard to find something to write about, and it's been just as difficult to find time to sit down and actually start writing.


Yesterday, I woke up and saw a post on the Legaci fan page---their Whitney Houston tribute.  I watched it twice before I left the house, and probably 7 times more within the day. It's amazing!  Who would've thought  that 4 grown men could pull off a Whitney?!?!

I couldn't help but think that these guys really remind me of Boyz II Men, New Edition and KAI! :)

Whitney Houston Tribute by Legaci

For the benefit of the young ones...

KAI was the Asian-American group behind the song "Say You'll Stay" back in the 90s, but I haven't heard anything about them after the year 2000 I think.

New Edition was the "boy band" of the 80s, composed of Bobby Brown (who was later on replaced by Johnny Gill), Michael Bivins, Ron DeVoe, Ricky Bell and Ralph Tresvant. Their song, "I'm Still In Love With You" never gets old.

And I'm sure everyone knows Boyz II Men (duh).  I'm a big Boyz II Men fan (I have every one of their albums in my ipod....including the instrumentals....coz you'll never know when you will need those for an event).

(Kids, google is your friend. Google them if that didn't help. Or better yet, find them on youtube)

So yes, Legaci reminds me of KAI, New Edition and Boyz II Men. 

Legaci is currently composed of Chris Abad (who was here in Manila recently), Micah Tolentino, Jason Atencion and Del Lazaro.  Their cover of Justin Bieber's "Baby" caught the attention of the teen pop star and his manager, Scooter Braun, and they became his official backing group---touring the world and singing with Bieber for about 2 years.

I don't exactly know if this was the cover Scooter Braun saw, but I posted it anyway :)

When I first knew about Legaci, I didn't know that they did backup for Bieber.  You see, my good friend, Carmi, and I had an agreement more than a year ago, after she watched Never Say Never, that we will have to start investing our time watching youtube videos in the hopes of finding another Justin Bieber and be, like, the female version of Scooter Braun, haha! So last year, as I was watching youtube videos, searching for the next teen sensation (lol), I saw Legaci's 6,8,12 cover.  I was blown away! I started doing my research on them, checking to see how long they've been in the business, and what other songs they've released.  I think I was really disappointed in myself for only knowing about them last year when I saw that the video has been up since 2008 (seriously, I just kept asking myself if I was under a coma since 2008).  I posted their Brian McKnight cover on my facebook page and "liked" their fan page.  I only found out that they did backup for the golden boy, JB, after a Legaci member's relative told me (which was a few minutes, or perhaps hours, after I liked their fan page).

Pinoy talent is world-class...and it is once again proven by Legaci :)

They released their debut single "All Day" late last year, and according to their website, they're set to release their album late 2012.  Here's the acoustic version of "All Day" by Legaci :)  Enjoy :)

Oh, by the way, you need to see the OMAs (one man a cappella) of Del Lazaro. Astig lang.

Until my next post!  Shake That!

follow them on twitter:

Photo from:
Other sources:

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Nicole Pastrano, Makeup Artist.

Makeup. Yikes.  This word actually scares the hell out of me.  Why?  Because I am absolutely clueless about it. Sure, I put on BB cream and a little blush everyday, but that's a no-brainer, right?  I think makeup---the one that's done professionally---should make you prettier than you already are.  It should enhance your pretty features and hide your imperfections.  It shouldn't change your face.  Makeup shouldn't be used to paint a freakin' face over yours.  That's just....sad.

My friends and I (A Cord of Three, Event Specialists...check us out at, have worked with a number of makeup artists.  Most of them are really good.  They think fast (yes, you actually have to think of what colors/ shades/ types of makeup would work well on certain skin types/ tones, hindi yung puro kolorete lang), they blend well...they make our brides look stunning!  Some of the really good ones we've worked with are Mayone Bakunawa, Cherry Pacheco-Uy, Faye Young, Pong Niu and Jinky Ureta.  There are a lot of good makeup artists,  but of course, everyone has to have a favorite.  And mine is no other than Nicole Pastrano.

Grabbed from Nicole's facebook page

I've known Nicole since she was born (okay, okay, she's my cousin), and I think she started playing with makeup when she was in High School (I THINK...I mean, she started wearing heels even before she started walking so it's possible that she was already putting on makeup during her toddler years).  After attending film school in Cebu, she did a couple indie films, and attended Makeup Design Academy. She would always put makeup on herself or her sister, Noelle, (who is her partner hairstylist), and post pictures online.  She's a natural :)  She has done makeup on a couple of local actors and actresses, but of course, she was too shy to take pictures for her portfolio.  She currently works as a makeup artist for a big international makeup brand.

The first time she did my makeup (for a wedding) was last year.  Honestly, I was scared.  I've had makeup done in salons before, and I often wondered why it would take them more than an hour to do my makeup.  I was under the impression that my face was not the easiest face to put makeup on (I have skin asthma and I don't ever remember having smooth, blemish-free skin).  I wasn't facing the mirror then, and my eyes were closed most of the time, and so when she told me that she was done, I opened my eyes and said, "Tapos na?!"  I looked at the mirror and she said, "Do you want me to remove anything...or add anything?" To which I  replied, "No, no...I'm good!"  I think it only took her half an hour to do my full makeup, and I just loved it the way it was :)

Here it is.  Makeup by Nicole Pastrano and hair by Noelle Pastrano.

I love how she would always ask me what colors I want her to use and what kind of look I want.  Also, after she's done, she'd always ask if there's something I want to add or remove.  That just goes to show the kind of professionalism she has.  She's REALLY good, but she also knows that there is always room for improvement.  And you know what else I love about the way she does makeup??  It's the fact that I can still see myself in there! After she's done, I KNOW that it's still me staring back from the mirror!  I've gone to salons before, and ended up asking myself where the heck my face was underneath all the gunk, but Nicole, she's the one who made me feel that I shouldn't be scared of makeup anymore, LOL.  She doesn't complain about call times, she gets the job done when it's supposed to be done, she asks if you're in a hurry...she's a wedding coordinator's dream come true! Haha!

Check out her portfolio pics (Nic, I hope you don't mind, but I grabbed away):

Model: Noelle Pastrano


Model: Sara Aghabararian

Before and After (men's makeup)
Model: Dino Pastrano (kailangan talaga ganyan yung "Before" photo, Dino?? lol)

Thanks, Nic, for taking time out to do my makeup :)

If your makeup artist is as gorgeous, humble and professional as can never go wrong.

Nicole Pastrano, Makeup Artist.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post her number here, but for inquiries and bookings for Nicole, you may email  We can just send you her contact number.  Checkout her website here.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rivalry: Ateneo - La Salle The Musical

Last Wednesday, I got a call from a friend saying that she was able to get me and my kids tickets to see Rivalry: Ateneo - La Salle The Musical.  I was ecstatic because I've been wanting to see that since I heard about it over the holidays.  I've been doing some research ever since, but I couldn't quite get what the story was about...but since I graduated from Ateneo (notice that I didn't put "the" before the name), it still sparked my interest.

I thought it was going to be about 2 basketball players coming from the rival schools battling, not only for the trophy, but for the heart of the girl as well (Oh, by the way, the girls' school in the story is Maryknoll College, now known as Miriam College, where I finished high school).  So One Tree Hill right? Boy was I wrong! All I'm going to say is that the story is about two basketball stars from Ateneo and La Salle vying for the NCAA championship, two young men vying for the affection of a young lady from a neighboring school, and different generations of men fighting over who went to the better school.

The play,  written and directed  by Jaime del Mundo, is produced by Ed Gatchalian with The 4th Wall Theater Company.  Gatchalian composed and arranged the music, while Joel Trinidad, son of Noel Trinidad, wrote the lyrics for the musical.  Together they formed the first OPM enjoyed by my kids! :)

I've read in an article by Walter Ang for the Philippine Daily Inquirer that the original idea suggested by Noel Trinidad (which came about some 30 years ago), was to write a musical about Crispa and Toyota (the leading teams in the Philippine Basketball Association back in the days).  It was only last year though that the idea was pursued, and they decided to make it about the two rival schools, Ateneo and La Salle (good call!)

The quality of the music and the lyrics is undeniably good :)  The story wasn't hard to follow, it was entertaining even for a young boy of 4 (my son and godson were relatively well-behaved during the show, and trust me, that rarely happens when they're together), in fact now, my son thinks that all stage plays have basketball plots (we watched The Sound of Music earlier and my son asked me where the basketball court was..)  I do think we need to hear more Ateneo - La Salle jokes in the play (I need to hear more La Salle jokes actually...LOL).  It definitely took the Ateneo - La Salle rivalry to a whole new level :) And yes, if you're from a different school, of course you'll still enjoy the show!

Support OPM! :) BLUE EAGLE, THE KING! (Wala na kayong magagawa, Atenista ako)

Venue: Meralco Theater
Date: Play runs until March 11, 2012
Time: Wednesday-Saturday ; 8 p.m.
          Saturday and Sunday ; 3 p.m.
Tickets: Ticketworld  (63 2) 8919999

Guess which school breaks the Knoller's heart :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Best of Chico & Delamar's The Morning Rush Top 10

I've been listening to Chico and Delamar since I was in college, and The Morning Rush Top 10 has been my favorite segment since then.  It's been a venue to show the wit of C & D's listeners, and has helped ease my hatred for mornings. 

I first saw their book during the holidays, but I didn't buy it because "I listen to their program everyday anyway..."  I kept seeing it around though, and I've heard people buying multiple copies to give away as Christmas presents, and so 2 weeks ago, I gave in.  In the words of Chico, I did what was rational, and I went to National! I walked around National Bookstore in Galleria before going to the gym, got a copy of the book after picking up other stuff, and lined up at the cashier.  While waiting, I asked my friend, "Do you think this is really worth it?" (It costs Php 175...Okay, kill me now, but I really think 20 times before making a purchase...ANY purchase)

I've been telling my friends to read the book, and so far, a lot of them said that it made them laugh out loud, specially when they imagine Chico reading the entries :) 

These are my favorite entries:

Top 10 Date Quotes:
9. When I asked a super hot date if she wanted coffee, she answered,"Sige, preferably kape ng Tarvax, pero pwede na rin 'yung kape ng Mini-Staff." - Greg

Top 10 Misheard Lyrics
1. "Chuvalens, chuvalens, everything you own in the box chuvalens..." (Beyonce's "Irreplaceable") - Jose De Vengenge
5. "And I'm here to remind you of the cross-eyed bear that you gave to me..." (Alanis Morisette's "You Ought to Know") -Lavander Girl

They had a book launch at Galleria last week, Jan 28, and yesterday, Feb 4, at Trinoma.  Check out Chico's blog here to find out what happened during the first day of their book launch.  Mind you, I was there, but I was already late for Zumba, and there were soooo many people!  I checked again after gym, and there were still soooo many people!!  Their next stop, I believe, is going to be National Bookstore Megamall, on Saturday, Feb 11, registration starts at 1pm.

As they have a new segment, the epic rap-off which was started by Chico and Gino during Del's maternity leave, there must be an epic rap off about their book!  Here it is...Jay-Z, Ashanti, and Salbakuta...I mean, Gino, Chico and Delamar's epic "book rap" :

So do what is rational!  Punta na ng National!!

Warning:  Thou shall not read the book when you are alone and having your car washed or whenever you are not with someone who understands why you are literally laughing out loud while reading it.  Mahirap ng mapagkamalang baliw.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Zumba Fitness ---Ditch the workout, join the party!

I can't remember exactly when or how I heard about Zumba Fitness.  I think it was right around June of 2011, maybe around the same time Pitbull released his single, "Pause", and Zumba Fitness came out with a video.  Yes, maybe it was around that time.  What I know is that I've fallen in love with Zumba Fitness and it's been quite difficult getting through a week without attending a class.

A lot of people have been asking me what Zumba is, and to satisfy a lot of curious minds, I asked a licensed and certified Zumba Fitness instructor, Dan Cabiling, to shed some light on frequently asked questions, and I dig some digging around myself :)

What is Zumba Fitness?  How long has it been around?

Zumba Fitness--- a brand name that is copyrighted and patented--- consists of Latin and world beat rhythm.  The original  fitness party was originally created by Beto Perez in the mid 90's when he forgot to bring his traditional aerobics music to a class he was teaching and so he made use of music from tapes in his backpack (salsa and merengue).  Instead of counting reps over the music, he moved to the rhythm of the music, and his class LOVED it.  The fitness party was born!

Beto Perez

According to the website,, Zumba Fitness officially became a company in 2001, when Beto  brought his new dance-fitness style to Florida.

More than a workout, it's definitely a party-- I could attest to this.  We usually dance salsa, samba, cha cha, belly dancing, tahitian, hip hop, reggae, and a whole lot more!  There's nothing like an hour of Zumba class at the gym---specially when the instructor lets us freestyle! Yes, I've done the Dougie in Zumba class and I've shuffled to Party Rock Anthem a couple of times, too :)

What music can you use for the class? (Trust me, it's hard to call it a "class" because it sure doesn't feel like one.)

As a licensed and certified Zumba Fitness instructor, Dan gets music from Zumba Fitness every month, and he can use any Latin and world beat music of his choice---30% of the music is chosen by the instructor depending on the personality of the class, and 70% would be original Zumba Fitness music.  Personally, Dan likes to use catchy music from Latin Pop Artists like J-Lo, Pitbull, Shakira, Daddy Yankee, Enrique Iglesias and Ricky Martin.  He uses music from different decades, as well as Caribbean, African, Bollywood, hip hop, and country music. He even uses music from musical theater productions.  

Zumba Fitness Caipirinha Music Video

An hour of Zumba Fitness could burn more calories than an hour of jogging, how much does it actually burn?  How come it burns more than jogging?

Doing Zumba Fitness for 30-60 minutes could burn 400-800 calories depending on how one would move and depending on the intensity of the choreography.  It is actually an uneven intermittent workout or uneven interval workout wherein anaerobic music  is alternated with aerobic music (songs that play around 145 beats per minute).  Aerobic music is used for endurance which strengthens ones heart , and anaerobic music is used to speed up metabolism through muscle toning.

How does one become a Zumba Fitness Instructor?  

There are 2 types of Zumba Fitness Instructors---one is a  licensed Zumba Fitness Instructor who took the Zumba Basic Training Course (I'm thinking about taking this course...), and the other is a licensed instructor who took the basic training course and is certified by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA).  Dan is a licensed and certified Zumba Fitness Instructor, and a good one at that! :)

Where can people attend Zumba Fitness classes?

Dan holds classes at Gold's Gym Libis and Galleria.  I wasn't able to ask him if he teaches at other Gold's Gym branches, but there are other awesome instructors at other branches like Liway and John Cuay (who teaches at Galleria also).  They are my personal favorites :)

Zumba Apparel, where can we buy them?

Purchases could be made through or thru a local retailer in Pampanga (a personal friend of Dan), her name is Nikki Mae Ocampo (message me for contact info).

Whew!  It kind of feels like I said all of that in one breath!  Until my next post! :)

Sources: Dan Cabiling, licensed and certified Zumba Fitness Instructor
       ; (Beto Perez' photo)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Living on the Edge

The day after Christmas of 2011, my cousins, my tito, tita, my kids and I went on a road trip to Batangas. It was a planned overnight trip to Tali where tita B celebrated her birthday. 2 days before the trip, I was talking to my tita and 2 cousins about the trip.  They told me that I have to try cliff diving---that it was such a rush, and that no matter how many times you jump off the cliff, it's as if you've never tried it before.  And so...I looked forward to it.

We arrived at around noon, and we lounged at the beach before we had lunch.  After lunch we all fell asleep and woke up at around 4-ish.  The cuzos went straight to the cliff, while I went back to the beach with the kids and tita B.  Half an hour later, I finally mustered up enough courage to go to the cliff.

Cousins walking to the cliff.

After most of the other cliff divers left, I climbed up the highest point (there are 3 points from where you can jump, and, due to peer pressure, I tried the highest point), and then I looked down. My knees were shaking!!   I think I felt my face turn cold, and I had to hold on to the rocks coz I felt like I was going to faint!!  I didn't consider backing out though. I asked my cousin J (the one in the blue boardshorts) how I was supposed to do it, and he said, "You see that sandy part in the water?  Aim for that." What!?!?!  What happens if I miss?!?!?  Of course I didn't ask that out loud (I think), I already knew the answer.  

I tricked myself into jumping.  I remember pointing towards the water and saying, "So I just jump  Dito??"  And then I jumped---without thinking about it any further.

A photo of my first jump.  Since I was squatting when I fell into the water, I bruised my thigh =P

The fear disappeared the moment I jumped off the cliff.  It was replaced with the anticipation of the plunge.  The fall felt like it took forever though, but the moment I hit the water, I smiled.  I was smiling underwater.  I was freakin' proud of myself! Haha!

My cousin, P, diving head first.


The second time around, I wasn't as scared anymore.  No, I think I was...only because it was already dark and the B cousins kept talking about how scary the cave looked (there's a cave under the cliff, and after the plunge, it's the first thing that you see).  Instead of leaving the water after we jumped, we just swam out of the way, but we waited for each cousin to finish.

It was quite an experience.  I actually did a "Bella Swan" (the girl from the Twilight movie jumped off a cliff to "see" her vampire love)! Glad that I got to do this with my cousins during "the most wonderful time of the year".  It's quite refreshing to be able to conquer your fear...even if you have to break into a tune first to gather strength, lol.

My cousin, N, singing Young Blood before she jumped.

Young Blood by The Naked and Famous

I'm going back to do this again for sure.  Sometimes it feels good to live on the edge.  Sometimes.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Happiness Project

Have you seen that new Coca-cola commercial?  The one with the hundred year old man who traveled from the province all the way to Manila to visit his newborn great, great (I really don't know how many greats to use..) granddaughter?  If not, here it is..

Well, it's true.  Happiness is a birthright.  Everyone deserves to be happy.  Take it from lolo Mario who's been around for a hundred years...we have to look for what's going to make us happy.  Time flies and we should make the most out of life.

The other week, I had to make reservations at Fully Booked Bonifacio High Street for a couple's pre-nup photoshoot.  Told myself that I'll just drop off the payment and head back to the office, but of course I caught the scent of the books that were fresh from the box which made me decide to stay a bit longer.  I was browsing through the best sellers and I found The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. And I thought, Oh this is probably just like Eat, Pray, Love...

I wanted to buy it because I was intrigued (plus, the semi-damaged book was priced at around Php 300,  not bad at all), but since I am stingy, I put the book back, went back to the office and forgot about it.  A few days later though, I was reminded of the book so I went online and checked reviews. Turns out, it is like Eat, Pray, Love...only, it's a book about someone who didn't have the option leave the country to look for happiness, she had to focus on improving her life as it was.  The reviews all discussed how she gave proofs of love, how she sought help more, how she tried to enjoy more and how she kept a gratitude notebook. Two words---simple joys. Lo and behold, I am sold!

As I was looking for reviews, I found this website where the author of the book shares her insights.

Check it out!  Who knows?  It might inspire you to create your own happiness project :)

I'm getting myself a copy of the book maybe tomorrow.  I've been trying to find a good read since after I finished The Lost Symbol and Mini-shopaholic late last year. I'm hoping that it's worth my Php300++ (forgive the stinginess).  :)  I'll try to give my personal take on it when I'm done with the book---which is most probably going to be at least 6 months from now, hahaha!

Good job to Coca-cola for another heartwarming ad!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The kickoff...

At least every week, I think about starting a blog that I could let people read.  Problem is, I don't think I could focus on one single topic unlike the foodies who blog about restaurants they've tried, or perhaps fashion bloggers who blog about the latest trends or great finds.  Maybe I could, I just refuse to do so...I'll probably just bore myself to death if I force myself to concentrate on one idea for my blog.

So here it is.  My "chopsuey" blog.  I decided to just blog about anything and everything that I want to write about that might interest those who come to read this..  Nope, I won't be blogging about my feelings, my daily struggles and whatnot.  I'm actually thinking of writing about wedding suppliers (but of course), new activities, and maybe those little things that amaze me.  Let's see how it pans out.

My reason for starting a semi-public blog?  To make people feel that, yes, everyday is a challenging day, but everyday is a new day, which means new ideas are activities could be obstacles could be conquered using new techniques and new skills.  Everyday is a day to discover something new, or maybe something awesome, about ourselves and the world.

Argh.  That was me, putting pressure on myself.  Don't expect an entry everyday---not gonna happen.  Haha!