Sunday, December 30, 2012

My 2012

Last day of 2012! Whew! This was one tough year---and I thought that I took a beating in 2011!  I'm almost afraid to say, "Bring it, 2013!" Haha!

You know how they say that it takes a village to raise kids when you're a single parent? (I think I heard that from J Lo on American idol) It's TRUE.  2012 is the busiest year of my entire life.  I hope and pray that next year, I won't be as busy because honestly, my kids were hit badly, what with the mood swings of their super tired mom, and the packed schedule which made me miss PTC's and a lot of their school events.  I tried my best though, even went as far as teaching homework thru my mobile while driving (and yes, I got caught running a red light because of that).  In 2013, that's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN ANYMORE. My kids and my health will come first. PERIOD.  I'm just really thankful that my kids are very resilient, and that I have people around me to keep me sane and to help me deal with some parenting stuff.

They love me unconditionally even when I barely see them awake on weekdays.  My eldest, Tyrone, told me last night that I should go out with my friends while I'm on vacation because once I start working again, it'll be all work and no play.  I just had to give him a big bear hug :) And the little one, he just never fails to make me laugh.

My pretty niece, Ialou, who supervised the kids when I had to leave for the U.S.  Until now, she still makes sure that I know what they need for school, because this year, I've been too busy and too tired to read thru the kids' notebooks.  She was the one who told Trey that "utot" (fart) is an example of gas (thankful pa ba ako?)

My bestest friends in the world/ sisters from other mothers, who broke the bank to attend my lolo's memorial in the U.S. when they knew that I would be a few days late for it.  They're there when I need help with the kids' school stuff. Thankful for their blessings for this year too ;)

Pretentious 2 bottles! I don't remember how this all started, but all those "2" bottle sessions were uber fun!  Here's to more pretentious 2 bottle sessions in 2013! :) Cheers!

Lourdes Boys++.  Sabit lang ako dito, pero ok na din! Haha! I love how everyone in this group are big EATERS and TALKERS. Dito nasira yung calorie count ko. It's also nice how all our kids could hang out with each other while we eat and drink :)  It's funny coz the people who manage the venues where we had the 2012 children's parties had to kick us out because our time was up, and we'd spend another half an hour standing around, deciding where to go next :|

My Pretty Gurls (plus Jam).  Missing Rhea and May this year though.  When people fly in from different parts of the world, you make time for them even when it's raining cats and dogs.  

2012 is a tough year for the Bolanos family.  That's something that I really need to acknowledge.  Lolo's sudden passing is the most difficult news I've received in such a long time.  For a week and a half, I would receive more than 10 calls per day from family asking when I could fly out.  I remember receiving calls from tito Ding at 2 in the morning trying to figure out what flight we could take if in case our visas are released the following day.  I remember being scared of flying out alone because I might get lost in the airport once I land (I have the BEST sense of direction which I inherited from my dearest tito Ferdie).  But most of all, I remember how strong the family's support system is when this all happened.

He's not one of the strongest men I know...He IS the strongest man I know.  He had the strongest views on things, and we all had our moments with him (haha!)  But for all that it's worth, he was able to raise 4 good men and 2 loving daughters, and they won't be who they are now if it wasn't for him and lola.  He also has 11(shoot, I hope I didn't miss counting anyone) grandchildren who will forever remember and love him.  Not a lot of people can say that their grandparents know them well, but I know how much lolo knew about all of us.

According to family, he once said that he'd play golf up until his last breath....and he did.  Lolo died of a massive heart attack while playing golf. I couldn't think of any better way for him to go.  He went while playing the game he loved the most.

When I arrived in Escondido, I talked to tita Linda.  I felt a bit sad that tito Ding was not able to make it, but I also knew that God had other plans, so I let it go.  I told tita Linda that it's a miracle how I got all my documents together in a span of a few days, and though I was late for the memorial, I was still able to fly out within a week and a half.  People really made it as easy as possible for me---even the consul at the U.S. Embassy who didn't really get to ask me anything the moment I started talking. All she was able to say was "The fastest I could release your visa is after 2 full working days...but don't worry, your visa's been approved."  Tita Linda told me, "Gusto ka ni lolo mo pumunta dito...kasi siyempre if he just said that to you, hindi ka naman pupunta talaga, maybe this is his way of bringing the family together".  And though it was a difficult time, most specially for lola, I spent a lot of time bonding with my crazy family.  It has been 9 long years since I've seen the cousins, and I'm thankful that facebook has helped us keep in touch :)

2 days after arriving, I finally got to see lola.  I'll see you again, lola!!! I've never been so bent on saving so I could go back.

The people at Davita Dialysis.  I've never seen people from the medical industry who can show so much love and compassion for their patient.  Bringing lola to the dialysis center was also a huge part of the trip because of the wonderful people there.  Too bad big guy, Ryan, wasn't there during our last visit.

Thanks to Kevin who drove us around even when he was tired and to Nikki and Gelo who drove all the way from Beaumont to see us. Short trip, but so many memories!  #wehitturbulence #oneforthechalkboard #inbetweentheeyes

To all the titos and titas, tito Ferdie, tita Baby, tito Ricky, tita Linda, tito Gary, "tita" Miranda (who calls us her pupumpkins), to kuya Ryan, Myra and baby Caden, tito Joey Jimenez and family...seeing all of you made 2012 extra special :)

And maybe next year, God-willing, we'll need a grand staircase for the photo-op.

To my sister, sorry for not being able to visit you in Arizona!  My next trip will be more organized and I'll surely come visit!

Yes, it's time to leave 2012 behind, and move forward to 2013.  I'm still afraid to say "BRING IT, 2013!" but at yesterday's service, the pastor said that we shouldn't be afraid, because in 2013...just like how it was in the previous years...THE BATTLE IS THE LORD'S. And though 2013 is still a few hours away, we've already won the battle.

Praise God for 2012!  Trust in Him for 2013!  Happy New Year!!

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